Exciting News!

We're Unveiling Our Revamped Logo!

We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our journey – the unveiling of our brand-new logo. This change represents a strategic effort to refresh and modernize our brand, aligning it with our evolving vision and commitment to excellence.

Asterix Global Services


Why the Change? As Asterix Global Services, Inc. continues to grow and adapt to the ever-changing business landscape, we believe that our visual identity should reflect our dynamic nature. Our new logo captures the essence of our brand in a contemporary and forward-thinking way, symbolizing our commitment to growth, quality, and progress.

Key Elements of the New Logo:

  • Symbolism:
    • The Star: Just as an "Asterix" elevates a written expression, our logo elevates the Asterix brand experience. It communicates our commitment to going above and beyond expectations, ensuring that every interaction with our brand is marked by quality and a touch of the extraordinary. In our logo, the "Asterix" visually depicted as a star signifies the interconnected relationships we build – with our customers, partners, and the broader industry.
    • The Globe: Just as the world is made up of varied continents and cultures, the industries we serve are a tapestry of individuals and organizations, each contributing to the rich fabric of Asterix. The Globe represents a collective commitment to success, not only on an individual level but also as a united force driving positive change within our industry and the captive market. As the lines of longitude and latitude converging on the globe, our services converge with our clients around a common goal – success.
    • Unity in Purpose: The fusion of the Globe and the "Asterix" is not just a design choice; it is a statement about what defines Asterix. Collaboration and shared success are not mere values – they are at the forefront of our identity, driving our actions, decisions, and aspirations as a brand.  The fusion is a visual metaphor for unity in purpose. Collaboration is not just a means to an end but an integral part of our identity. Our success is intertwined with that of our clients and partners, and together, we strive for common goals and shared achievements.

What This Means for You: As valued clients and partners of the Asterix family, we want to assure you that while our logo may be changing, our dedication to delivering exceptional products/services remains unwavering. This is an exciting time for us, and we invite you to join us on this journey as we embrace a fresh chapter in our brand's story.

Implementation Timeline: The new logo will be gradually implemented across all our communication channels, marketing materials, and products/services.

Feedback and Questions: We value your opinion, and we encourage you to share your thoughts on our new logo. If you have any questions or would like more information about the rebranding process, please feel free to reach out to us at info@asterixgs.com.

Thank you for your continued support as we embark on this exciting rebranding adventure. We look forward to the future and the positive impact our refreshed brand will bring.

Best regards,

Paul Schrank
Asterix Global Services, Inc.

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